Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hainanese Chicken and Rice (ข้าวมันไก่)

Serving 2-3 people

7 cups                   Water

6                            Drumsticks or Chicken Breasts

1/2 tsp                   Chicken Flavor Bouillon

1 tsp                      Salt

3-4 stems              Cilantro

3 ½ cups               Jasmine Rice

7 cloves                Garlic (Just use the flat side of the knife and pushed down so each clove breaks open.)

4 T                        Vegetable Oil

2 T                        Ginger Finely Chopped

1 T                        Garlic Finely Chopped

2                           Peppers

3 T                        Soybean Paste

1 ½ T                    Black Soy Sauce

1 T                        Thin Soy Sauce

½ T                       Sugar

1 T                        Vinegar


1. Put water in the pot and set the stove on medium high. Once the water gets hot add cilantro, salt, chicken flavor bouillon and chicken breasts/ drumsticks ( use whichever part you like).

2. Once the chicken is cooked turn off the stove, take the chicken out and keep the broth for cooking the rice. Slice chicken into pieces.

3. Wash the rice then put the rice in the strainer and strain all the water out well.

4. Put oil in the pan, set the stove on medium heat and once the oil gets hot put garlic in. Stir until the garlic is golden then add the rice and stir about 3 minutes and then turn off the stove.

5. Put the rice in the rice cooker and add 3 cups of chicken broth. Cook the rice. (It also depends on your rice. Old rice takes less water to cook, like mine.) I would say put the amount as you usually put.
6. Serve the rice with chicken and cucumber slices

How to prepare the sauce

Mix all the ingredients together and blend them. I have found that mixing them together using a pestle and mortar is not a good choice as it tends to shoot out everywhere. 

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